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Fine Heirloom Single-Origin

Certified Organic

  Nacional Fino de Aroma Cacao

Beans and Paste



Pronounced: Chō'kō'ä'kā

Our search for heirloom  Ceremonial Cacao began in Manabi, 

just south of the Equator, on the coast of Ecuador.

There were rumors of abandoned old growth Cacao forests in the hills, and we asked  until we were shown the way.

From Jama, where 2000 year old relics of the 

J ama-Coaque civilization can still be found, 

my friend and I  took the River Valley road

and began climbing into the mountains,

first by truck, then by donkey, then on foot,

until we reached the Finca farmhouse.

Above us the misty ridge was covered with Cacao trees,

many planted at least 100 years ago .

The Grandfathers, a group of brothers, 

had cultivated Criollo

  Nacional Fino de Aroma Cacao Trees

on these remote family farms, we were told,

and no chemicals have ever been used here.

The Cacao is still shade grown in fruiting cloud forests,

the beans traditionally fermented, and sun-dried.


We knew we had found what we were looking for.


Only 5% of Cacao beans on the worldwide market 

               are heirloom  Nacional Fino de Aroma Cacao

and Ecuador grows the finest.

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